Etching…not sketching.

by Tickled Red on December 19, 2009

I apologize for not posting. Things have been a little over the top with getting ready for Christmas and  school wrapping up. Speaking of which, what to do with the monkeys while they are out of school? After they have used up their allotted amount of time deemed acceptable for the leakage of their grey matter, due to video games. Once they have built an entire populated city out of Legos.  When all of the board games have been exhausted. Should I have them sit down with their very creative, very quiet Etch A Sketch? Quiet. That would TICKLE me. Although seeing as how there is only one, that might entice a debate as to who gets to go first and for how long. There would go the quiet.

Instead of Etch A Sketch, we did some etching. Okay… I did some etching, they watched and learned how to etch. Advising me on design choices and cheering me on. It worked out great for all around. Learn first, etch next time. Which is what this is all about, showing you how to etch. If you already know how, I would love to hear about your creations. If this is new to you, I hope that you take a chance. This is super easy.

Etching Glass

Glass ornaments (or what you happen to choose: wine glasses,vase, dish, etc…)

Armour Etching Cream


Reinforcement Label circles

paint brush


* You can find your supplies at Michael’s *

First make sure that your glass is clean. Then start placing your stencil/circles.

We did both :)

Read the directions and warnings on the Armour bottle. Apply the Armour Etching Cream thickly.

*Now the back says you leave the paste on for around a minute before you rinse. I have found that the longer it is on the better. Especially with the letter stencils. I had to go over mine again even after 10 min.; 30min should work.*

Now that you have applied the paste and you are holding your ornament,  you are probably saying to yourself,  “TR said that I have to hold this for how long!? What!”. This is where the ribbon comes in. Tye your ribbon any where that you like in order to make a line.Then string your ornaments along it. I did mine between two chairs. This way you will not have to hold it and it speeds up your process.

Rinse the paste off thoroughly, and wipe the glass clean. Your etch will show up once the glass has fully dried.

It will look like this :)

I love them. Stripes are next, maybe even wavy lines, fish or shells. The sky is the limit.

I wish that my pics had been better for you. I am still working on my lighting issues. Have fun making these. If we can do them, so can you :) Let me know if you come up with a neat design.

Tickled Red

{ 1 comment }

Paulette Vance December 19, 2009 at 9:56 am

Beautiful! This will also work beautifully with clear dinner plates/glasses …make your own pattern…as I have always taught you…”be original.” :) XOXOX Mom

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